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Keys to Natural Childbirth when Delivering at the Hospital


Childbirth is an experience that many women wish to undergo without medication and chemical interference. This desire is not without good reason. Much research proves that all the medications offered for labor and delivery interfere with both mom and babies brain chemistry thus creating unnecessary stress that can take away the feelings of joy and accomplishment that accompany natural childbirth. Some research coming out of pre and perinatal psychology is pointing to how chemicals used during birth can indicate drug addiction later on in adult life. Chemical births can make labor and delivery more painful (for both mom and babies) and longer recovery time.

Certainly, there are conditions that can develop during pregnancy that could indicate needing a medical intervention. However, if your pregnancy has been free of complications, here are some keys that I have found that can help you to preparing for natural childbirth:

1.) Stay active and become fit throughout your pregnancy. Labor and delivery is very similar to running a marathon. Any kind of physical activity that helps you to increase endurance can be very helpful to you when the day comes that you labor, especially for first time mothers. Second time mothers often times have a better idea of what to expect and have a better time preparing themselves for the rigors of birth. As a general rule you, would want to exercise more gently during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (meaning stay regular but do not push beyond your edge). During the 2nd and 3rd trimester you can begin to experiment with more vigorous exercise (cardio and weight bearing exercises like weight lifting) that will help you to build endurance. Yoga is great preparation for birth, because it teaches you to hold a posture strongly for a few minutes than rest (which is similar to the pattern of contractions (1 minute = a contraction then a rest).The last month of pregnancy I would recommend laying off any exercise that firms the pelvic floor and instead do self perineum massage. In fact, I would recommend backing off endurance building exercises (especially if you have worked on your fitness up to that point) 2 weeks before your due date and doing gentler quieting exercised that will help soften and restore you like restorative yoga. Walking is always very good to do from the very beginning of pregnancy up to the day you labor. I recommend at least 45 minutes of walking a day. The 2 weeks should be a time of resting physically for the major event of labor. Always, consult your caregiver on any questions you may have about building an exercise program as a way to prepare for birth.

2.) Preparation for natural childbirth will be your greatest aid in succeeding. Educating yourself and communicating your needs and preferences to your birth attendants will help guarantee you the best chance of having a natural delivery. Reading books and attending natural birth preparation classes can be very helpful.

3.) When labor comes, stay at home for as long as possible! The rule of thumb is, if you want a natural child birthing experience, stay away from the hospital for as long as you can. Getting a doula to come sit by your side to watch for various signs of danger and help to gage when you’re close can be very helpful while offering  re-assurance for families who want to labor at home for as long as possible. Even some of the best and natural birth orientated hospitals have a tendency to want to help by offering pain medications and chemical assistance to get you through. There is something about the atmosphere of being in a hospital that can make a woman more nervous and uncertain about her abilities, which can make contractions more intense. A laboring mother is always most comfortable in her home environment. So try to stay home until you suspect you are close to pushing.

4.) Seek out the assistance of a natural child birthing expert (like a doula or midwife) to assist you during labor. Having continuous physical and emotional support can greatly influence your birthing experience and create a sense of emotional safety for the laboring mother.


Birth can be full of surprises. But no matter what kind of birth you have, in the end, having a professional birth companion can help moms and babies stay resourced and reduce overwhelm J


Reflections on Natural Childbirth at the Hospital


Dr Cynthia Gabriel PHD and doula from Michigan comes from a rich background in anthropology studying the cultures of birth in Canada, Russia and the United States as a doula. I once hear her speak about her experience of supporting 65 births in a Russian hospital where all the births were completely natural with absolutely no intervention except 1 which was a C-section due failure to progress. This kind of statistic is unheard of in the United States! Her assessment is that the outcomes of birth and the use of medical intervention are largely cultural. In the United States birth has become highly medical-ized fundamentally, due the mass commercialization from pharmaceutical companies, allopathic medicine and mass media that have molded an idea that only external applications can assist in healing. Were as in Russian, the culture has a general belief that the body was designed to have a more natural healing ability.


As doulas, we are constantly faced with the confronted of this cultural upbringing. Many clients find our way into our care with the wish and desire to have a natural/un-medicated birth, spend much time planning and preparing for natural childbirth only to have that dream disintegrate during the vulnerable moments of birth, the gentle offering for an epidural or by the authoritative suggestion of the medical staff. It is important for our clients to know that there is an authoritative bureaucratic process that surrounds hospitals is somewhat disempowering by design and that we are all products of our culture; doctors, nurses, patients. Somewhere within our upbringing we have been groomed to accept external forces as a part of our well being both emotionally and physically.


We know many of the ways to support labor and delivery; things like breathing, relaxing, massage, changing positions, water, walking and being upright, surround dynamics of supportive words, dim lighting, warm and dark environments. However, to support a natural birth in a hospital within the United States, almost requires another set of skills that entails social engagement and how to interact with hospital staff. This is a skill that gets built over time and as experience grows. The ability to gain this skill can determine the longevity of our careers as doulas, by either setting us up for success or burnout.


One of the most effective ways to begin building these skills lies in the preparation process that we do with our clients. Prenatal care (in the unique way only a doula can offer) is very important and should not be skipped. Doulas learn a lot about their clients by going through birth plans, birth desires and talking about scenarios. There is so much information that a pregnant woman has to muddle through. A Doula can help her to focus on where it is important for her to concentrate her research before the birth while also helping her to interpret the medical aspect of labor and delivery in the hospital when details arise. A doula also helps the mother think through what she wants to do during the medical side of birth. Birth preparation meetings with families also help her to figure out the best way to support.


If a woman is seeking a natural/un-medicated birth, it is important for the doula to know how committed a woman is to the process. Doulas should encourage moms to talk to their caregivers beforehand if they truly want a natural un-medicated birth and to get special permission for extra time during their labor. One of the best questions for a mother to ask their caregiver to get feel for their true support of natural/un-medicated childbirth is ‘tell me about the last un-medicated birth you attended’. How a caregiver answers a question like this can indicate their true level of support in natural childbirth.


Another very helpful tool that doulas can use to help prepare families for natural/un-medicated birth is to talking about scenarios like how to deal with doctors, nurses and medical figures who are presenting with a sense of authority in the face of wanting to assist the progressive state of the labor, when it may be appropriate and when it may just be coming out that deep cultural need to assist by using external forces; or how to deal with a very sweet and supportive feeling nurse who is offering pain medication during a moment of vulnerability when the true wish of the mother all through her pregnancy has been a natural childbirth.


A doula can also facilitate practice with the father on how to work with a natural birth both physically and how to handle the medical staff. When there is a suggestion for a medical intervention the father can say something like ‘It is so important to her to have a natural birth. I would like to wait an hour.’ Or ‘I really appreciate all that you are doing for us’ ‘please help us with a natural birth’ ‘we would really like to wait and hour’ ‘we are doing so well right now’. It is also important to understand that in a real emergency the medical staff will not be willing to have a conversation they will absolutely be stepping taking control.  A doula can also prepare the father or partner how to support a woman during the times in labor where she is saying she thinks she is going to die, or that she cannot do it. These are normal parts of the process during birth and at can often mean the woman is getting very close. In birth preparation with a doula she can help the partner to formulate what to say (things like ‘I love you’, ‘you are doing well’, ‘let’s just take this one contraction at a time’, ‘just breath with me’).


 First and foremost a doula’s role is to create a team atmosphere around the mother as she labors. We must not react out of anger because of our cultural up bring around the medicalization of birth. A war mentality never works in birthing rooms it only hurts everybody involved. The most important thing about supporting a natural birth in a hospital is to learn clear and compassionate communication skills before and during the stay at the hospital.


PTSD From Childbirth and the Doula


Studies are showing 25%-35% of women within the United States are reporting that their births were traumatic. This indicates that approximately 1 in 4 women report their birth as traumatic. That is 1,400,000 women a year in the United States are suffering with trauma symptoms after childbirth. Between 1.5% and 9% of those women develop the full blown symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. That is somewhere between 60,000 -360,000 American women who develop PTSD after childbirth. Between 1.5% and 3% of women who experienced a ‘normal’ ‘non-traumatic looking’ birth develop Post Traumatic Stress Affects which a milder form of PTSD.  3.2% women who get PTSD symptoms after childbirth that do not have any history of mental health and do not fall into any high risk categories for developing PTSD.  To differentiate even further, there is a real difference between PTSD and Postpartum Depression. Treatments are different. PTSD is an extreme form of anxiety disorder and treatments for Postpartum Depression are not successful for PTSD.

A Traumatic birth is a birth or an event where the individual believes that her life or her baby’s was in danger. Trauma is in the eye of the beholder; meaning that no matter what the outside perception is around the trauma if a woman feels she was traumatized than it is a real event. Some of the feelings that contribute to a traumatic experience are: feelings of helplessness, feeling out of control, alone, and un-supported.

Some of the risk factors for PTSD development after child birth are: unresolved trauma from the past, pre-existing PTSD, history of depression or anxiety, current depression or anxiety, history of sexual trauma, a severe fear of childbirth, being an immigrant or new comer to the country where she is unfamiliar with the cultural practices present within the hospital, being of low socio-economic status. All these factors are associated with negative birth experiences.

Some things the doula might be able to pick up on that might indicate a woman is at risk for developing PTSD after childbirth are: unexpected medical problems, emergency C-section, instrumental delivery, if the baby has to go to the NICU, mal-positioned baby, long labor, poorly controlled pain, overwhelmed by pain, lack of control over herself or feeling the events of labor are out of her control, poor support from her partner, poor interactions with the staff, feeling powerless or alone, if she had expectations that were not met, if she disassociated or panics during labor, extreme anger or emotions, regression, mental defeat (giving up participation of the birth), overwhelming fear of death. Some of the repercussions around a traumatic birth are increased negative dynamics between parents, rejection of the baby, affect on bonding with the baby, overly anxious around the baby, severe depression, intrusive thoughts, nightmares, extreme anxiety, flashbacks. Symptoms of PTSD may be delayed due to the euphoria of birth.

What a Doula can do to support a woman who has a traumatic birth?

She can keep calm, be honest with the mother. Don’t lead her along a garden path if the situation is serious. Doulas can use their words to help her find a place to focus. Saying things like, ‘we need you’, ‘I just want you to focus on one thing’,  ‘just focus on finding a rhythm, only’, ‘just focus on the breath’.  Doulas might be able to identify scenarios early enough and may be able to take steps before the mother gets emotionally overwhelmed. Acknowledgement after the birth ‘this was a really difficult labor you might want to talk about it’. We can acknowledge and recognize the difficulties of a difficult birth, while opening dialogue with the mother in the days and weeks after the birth. One of the most important jobs of a doula is to reflect and protect the mother’s experience of birth. We can help her put her experience into words, coherence and understanding through listening. We can ask the mother what she needs around her experience. It can be very helpful for any woman to square up her inner experiences with her outer experiences around birth. Doulas can help this by listening. Encouraging chart review can also help with trauma resolution and doulas can remind her of this option as a part of the healing process. When a woman is not clear, sometimes they can work it out through their hands by doing painting and artwork. Processing the story around birth can reduce symptoms of PTSD which is a big part of our role as doula. Processing may prevent a mood disorder and help the woman feel more positive. As her doula we can share with her something that impressed us about her birth. If the PTSD is very severe a doula can help her gather other resources in the community and help her to select the right kind of trauma therapist.

Postpartum Doulas can be very helpful after a traumatic birth. They can ask open ended questions about the birth and give space for the mother to tell her story and express her feelings around the birth. Support around getting enough sleep and eating well. Exercise can also be a helpful tool when dealing with trauma.

Best of all, having that continuous emotional and physical support that only a  doula offers in labor and delivery may create a space for the woman, so that she may not feel so alone and unsupported if things become overwhelming. Some studies do show that continuous emotional support lessens the incidents of PTSD.

A doula’s job is important for the birthing process in general but it is especially important to women who may have traumatic birth. As a doula it is important to also get support. If the doula has any kind of unresolved trauma it can sometimes come up during birth. It is important to get support around our own stories and experiences around trauma. As doulas we may absorb the trauma around birth for a woman so that they do not have to. Sometimes a doula will support a traumatic birth but the mother is completely happy with her birth, even if there was medical trauma. Continuous emotional and physical support during a traumatic birth may take a toll on the doula while sparing the woman for PTSD.  Our job is to nurture and protect her memory of the birth. Adequate support for the doula and de-briefing with a psychotherapist or other trusted doulas in the community are an important part of our process of supporting birth.

Breastfeeding and the Doula


All babies have an innate instinct towards breastfeeding. Babies are naturally born knowing the way to the breast. What gets lost in the ability to successfully breastfeed is often the lack of support for mothers.

Babies know how to signal to the mother when they are hungry and when they are full. They know how to regulate the breast milk and make adjustments so that they get their individual nutritional needs met. Feeding in shorted periods can make more liquid / more water and longer feedings make for thicker nutrient milk.

Breastfeeding is best for the neuro-biology and brain development of the baby. Baby lead latching is a form of self attachment for the babies and is a part of the bounding process between mothers and babies that ensures safe secure attachment. The World Health Organization (WHO) has done research that says a lot of babies born in hospitals die if they do not get that first initial feeding of colostrum which has many anti-bodies that protect the baby.

The best way a doula can support mothers around breastfeeding is to help build their confidence and trust in her and her baby’s innate instinctual wisdom around breastfeeding. Hospital protocols sometimes conflict with the time and space a mother needs for her and her baby to figure out breastfeeding, along with many different angles of advice from the medical staff in the first days during a postpartum hospital stay. Hospitals are busy places and typically offer many disruptions particularly for babies having trouble breastfeeding.

The most important member in breastfeeding team is the baby. Babies need access to the breast. Skin-to- skin contact on the chest help, mother’s learn her baby’s ques. Crying is an indicator that a queue has been missed. Follow the natural instinct of babies: access to the breast, skin-to-skin, no clothing (clothing is confusing to babies), no artificial nipples and, patience it can take anywhere between 20 minutes to 90 minutes to attach particularly for the first time. If a baby is taking longer to attach that is fine, and a doula can point out all the positive steps along the way. The natural ways for babies to find the breast and latch on is to look to the mothers face, figure out, and then adjust to orient towards the breast. When babies pull away from the breast it is to look at the mother’s face and see where the nipple is, not to necessarily protest.

There are 4 major ways babies orient to the breast for feeding.

 Sight – the darker color of the nipple makes it clear for the newborn, where to go to breastfeed

Touch- feeling the skin, massaging the breast.

Smell – the embryonic fluid on the baby’s hands is a similar smell as the smell of the mother’s nipple

Taste – use their tongue and a sense of taste to find the taste of milk which they are hard wired to like.  

A good latch is important for effective feedings. No lips means latched really well. You shouldn’t be able to see the baby’s lips. Laying back can be helpful for babies to figure out the latch. Laying down can also encourage a deeper latch. Babies also seem to like being in an angle to that they can push their feet on to something like the belly. For painful nursing, try to move the baby and see if you can move the baby deeper without unlatching. Continuous pulling the baby off a latch to try again can be more damaging as the baby may become frustrated. Instead, move the baby’s shoulders and hips in closer. Help the baby tip his head back further to bring the chin in closer. The chin should be buried in the breast.

In the early days after birth nipple shields are more likely to cause problems. What babies need is access to the breast, constant skin to skin and lots of space to move to and from the breast on its own time.

The continued process of producing milk let down is based on what happens the first few days after birth, in how often the baby is nursing and how effectively the baby is nursing. Frequency of feeding is more important than length of feeding in terms of increasing milk production. Getting lots of feedings in the early days determine the success of breast milk production. Breast size is what determines the frequency of baby needing to feed (this is why feeding on baby’s queues is more important than scheduled feedings).

Milk is made most quickly when the breast is empty. When the breasts begin to fill up, the breast is actually beginning to make less milk. So waiting to feed when the breasts feel full is really a recipe for diminished milk supply. Frequently feedings build the receptors for prolastin which is what triggers the milk supply. 12 feedings a day is better than 8 feedings a day, in the early days after the baby is born.

Studies show that co-sleeping  and sleeping in a side cart next to be bed has better breastfeeding outcomes because babies in the days after birth tend to feed more often when they are in close proximity of mother, then is they are in a basinet across the room or in a nursery. 80% of babies co-sleeping or in a side car breastfeed successfully, while 40% of babies in bassinets or separate sleeping arrangements will breastfeed successfully. Supplementation is linked to early weaning. For a baby away from the mother for any amount of time, it is important for mothers to express milk or colostrum to prevent supplementation. Supplementation is also very hard on a baby’s digestive system.

What happens during birth affects breastfeeding in a huge way. Prolonged IV fluids during labor, increases the fluids in the breast and causes swelling in the feet and hands. Some of those IV fluids also go to the baby and they are born inflated with water weight which will be lost in the next day or so; but can make the medical staff want to push formula because the baby’s weight will go down a bit more than usual from birth.

Epidurals affect the baby’s ability to latch well. The longer the mother has the epidural during labor the longer the remnant of the medication will be in her system which can last for days and sometimes weeks and can greatly affect breastfeeding success. Doulas can encourage women to hold off as long as possible for an epidural which in turn can help with breastfeeding. Epidurals can also sometimes cause mothers to get a fever in the days after labor and that can often lead to separation between moms and babies as the medical staff try to protect against possible infection.  Narcotics can make the baby sleepier and harder to feed well. Episiotomy can make it harder to find a comfortable position. C-section babies are significantly less likely to breastfeed successfully.

Doulas help to make breastfeeding much more successful because they lessen the risk of all of those interventions. Just simply being there to support a mother through birth is giving her a better chance to start breastfeeding.

Weight loss is normal for babies after birth but people get concerned if it is more than 7-10%. Babies that lose weight within that range tend to wean earlier and the reason for this is because formula is often introduced. Within this scenario what mothers need is more support around breastfeeding, more frequent feedings, breast compression (hand expressing while the baby is at the breast by squeezing when the baby sucks). Breast compressing is also good for sleepy babies and difficulty latching. If a baby needs to be separated from mom it is always best to express some milk and colostrum to be feed to the baby to avoid formula.

Nipple damage is caused by bad latch and tough tie causes a large amount of this. When a woman has engorged breasts the baby can’t latch. It can helpful to use reverse pressure softening by taking a finger around the nipple, press back extra fluid, then latch baby on. Mothers should be discouraged from pumping in this situation because it encourages more let down and leads to more engorgement.

The role of a doula as a member of the breastfeeding team is to offer continuous emotional and physical support. Encourage the mother to ask questions and remind her of her options as they arise. The mere presence of a doula greatly reduces interventions which affect breastfeeding. A doula can encourage support for breastfeeding around the mother if she has to navigate the medical side of birth. And a doula can offer positive reflection about the instincts between mom and baby point the way.

Midwifery Model of Care vs Medical Model of Care: Surrounding Childbirth


One of the biggest differences between the medical model of care and the midwifery model of care is the individualization of care that the midwife provides. To truly individualize care means to strive for an in-depth understanding of a particular woman: her unique physical, emotional and mental circumstances with regard to her physical well-being and living environment as well as her hopes and fears about birth.

While some medical practitioners take this to mean knowing a woman’s name and making sure she has time to have her questions answered, most midwives provide a much deeper understanding of this concept. The best prenatal care that encompasses not only the physical but also the mental, emotional and spiritual creates better birth outcomes. As a doula any birth I have attended where there were major complications for either mother of baby, there were unresolved traumas happening in the field around mother or something going on during the pregnancy where the mother did not receive some kind of support she needed or was able to vocalize a major issue as she grew her baby. One of the biggest disappointments for many people seeking Medical Care the United States is that there is no consideration between the mind and body. Many practitioners will admit there may be a connection, but that the subject needs more validation. Therefore do not attempt to provide support in a manner that is cohesive to anything above the physical assessments.  Midwifery focuses on a Holistic form of Prenatal Care that entails addressing trauma and stress patterns that could get in the way of the birthing process, fears and emotional support. As well as the physiological aspects of births that deal with medical measurements, tests and calculations related to birth.

Wouldn’t be wonderful to have a system based on quality of care that includes the physical dynamics of birth AND also the emotional, psychological, spiritual and living process of birth. A woman in labor is experiencing a life altering and transformative experience. Doulas are helping to bridge this gap in the medical model of care. However, if you feel like you are being missed in your prenatal visits with an OB and the honoring of spirit is very important to you perhaps you should consider a midwife.

It would be good for you to know that on January 30, 2014 one of the biggest research results was released in the US by the Midwifery Alliance of North America (MANA): comparing planned homebirths to hospital births for low risk women. This research proved there is no different in the risk to injury for moms and babies weather they are planning a home birth or going to the hospital to have their baby. Homebirth is a safe choice especially when you are in good health through your pregnancy.

Bringing the Midwifery Model of Care into the Medical Prenatal Experience


The application of the Midwifery
Model of Care has been proven to reduce the incidence of birth injury, trauma,
and cesarean section. May 1996 Midwifery
Task Force

 Pregnancy and birth are normal life processes.

Quality of prenatal care has a vast affect on birth outcomes. The best
prenatal care includes one that addressed both the physical and emotional
wellbeing of the mother. The traditional Medical Model of Care has an attitude that
birth is an event that needs to be controlled, monitored and managed within a
certain amount of parameters. Often centered on pain medications, continuous
monitoring and interventions; there is an incredible level of fear around birth
in North America which has lead to the over medicalization of birth.

New study reports that the US is one of only
eight countries where maternal deaths are rising, placing the US at #60 behind
59 countries with better maternal health outcomes. Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality
during 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study


This fact Prenatal Care that is more than just diet and lifestyle is
very important to the birth outcomes and the future health of the child. This
consideration is an essential ingredient that all too often lacking within the
Medical Model of Care. The Midwifery Model of Care provides the kind of care
that incorporates physical, psychological and spiritual support. Prenatal care
with midwives and doulas can provide a safe haven, a sub-culture in which women
can reclaim trust in themselves and the birthing process.


Working with a Midwife or Doula
can enhance bonding and attachment through birth and within the family dynamic
which essential to brain health in mothers and babies. They can help women
prepare for birth; exploring with her ways that she can best work through any
issues from her past or present that may impede the full use of her resources,
both physical and emotional during the challenging work of labor and help prepare
her for the mothering experience that lies ahead. Their job is to guide, mentor
her health and well being in a holistic (mind, body, spirit) while offering
expertise and experience in a way that the medical model shy’s away from.

Part of my work as a Doula
and Student Midwife is to
empowering women to realize that she is the only real care provider for
her unborn baby.
I blend from all my areas of
expertise in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Therapy as well as Pre
and Perinatal Psychology. 

Craniosacral Therapy and Prenatal Care


Therapy is a type of Manual Therapy that Calms/Balances the Nervous System of
both, mother and child, encouraging emotional bonding which can otherwise be
short-circuited due to pre-natal and birth trauma/stress. When Mom’s
system is soothed and balanced during pregnancy, baby gains huge benefits. The
mother also benefits.  Quality of prenatal
care has a vast affect on birth outcomes. The best prenatal care includes one
that addressed both the physical and emotional wellbeing of the mother. Craniosacral
throughout pregnancy can help a mother be in process with her baby (and her
life!) while creating an opportunity to let go of any physical condition she
may be holding on to in her body.

Therapy is a whole body therapy that uses a light touch to listen to subtle
rhythms and patterns within fascial system of the body. Unresolved tensions
from physical and emotional stress can affect and restrict the natural healthy
motion and function of the Muscular Skeletal System AND the Central Nervous
System within the body, leading to stress symptoms, discomfort and pain.
Craniosacral Therapy enables the body to realign to its natural health and
healing place by restoring motion and vitality.

Basic Principles of Craniosacral Therapy:

are 2 basic forces at work in the living body: the Biodynamic Potencies generated
by the Breath of Life and Biokinetic or Conditional Forces introduced
into the system via trauma and life experiences (inertial fulcrums).

system function is driving the conditional forces (and vice versa) which can
restrict the potent expression of the Inherent Health.

craniosacral system (CSS) consists of the brain, spinal cord and the three
membranes that completely surround it, the cerebral spinal fluid, and the
fascial connections to all systems of the body through fluid dynamics and
nervous system balance.

practitioner uses gentle soft tissue release by ‘listening’ to the craniosacral
rhythms to release tension in the fascia and fluid system throughout the whole
body. The craniosacral therapist assesses the body for restrictions and uses a
very light touch to encourage expansion, mobility and healing. 

from other systems of the body, the CSS actually slows down and enters into
stillpoints. These rests are a therapeutic time of revitalization for the
CSS—similar to rebooting a computer. After facilitating a craniosacral
stillpoint, the individual’s CSS functions more strongly and is better
coordinated; the body is using its own innate ability to heal. This balances
the nervous system and greatly benefits the health of the baby.

Craniosacral Therapy Sessions During Pregnancy Can Help:

Health, Well-Being and Immunity.



Stress and Anxiety


and Back Pain


Brain Health and Nervous System Regulation for both Moms and Babies.


unborn and infant child experiences what the mother experiences, what the
family experiences, and builds their body to suit the environment surrounding
the outside field of which it grows – this provides the template for physical
and mental health decades later. = Epigenetics – precursor to if and when
certain genes will be turned on later on in life.

Cortisol – effects of high stress

Prenatal Care that is more than just diet and
lifestyle is very important to birth outcomes and the future health of the
child. This consideration is an essential ingredient that all too often lacking
within the Medical Model of Care. The Midwifery Model of Care provides the kind
of care that incorporates physical, psychological and spiritual support.

Bodywork will not be able to replace this kind of holistic
care; however, it can greatly enhance a woman’s self care regimen in pregnancy
which directly affects the overall Health of mother and child.  

Attitudes About Midwifery


Many people have heard horror stories about the danger of birth. They have been told about the increased safety of birth with the increase of medical knowledge. Many people therefore believe that birth is horrible and dangerous without modern technology. However, the World Health Organization states that the safest place to have a normal birth is where the mother feels most comfortable. Usually that’s at home, and the safest person to attend her is a midwife.

Visceral Abdominal Massage in Charlottesville, Va


Did you know….. Dominique is one of the Only Therapist in our area that has extensive training and experience in Abdominal and Visceral Manipulation Therapy? She has taught many therapist her techniques over the years through her course: Exploring the Abdomen and Organ System: Balancing Visceral Dynamics a 20 hr NCBTMB approved CE course for massage therapist. Many therapist and clients choose to forgo abdominal massage as the abdomen is a very sensitive and vulnerable place. However, that is why this work can be so powerful to experience with a skilled therapist of which you can trust. The work is amazing in fact and has the ability to jump start the healing process unlike any other modality.

Health Benefits of Visceral Abdominal Massage:
Improves digestive, balances hormones. Stimulates the gall bladder, the liver, and the pancreas, improving absorption of oxygen and nutrients and helping release waste. Breaks down adhesions, enhances the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids, helps align the pelvic bones, corrects hiatal hernias, ease symptoms of diverticulitis, cures chronic back pain, strengthens abdominal muscles and releases deep muscle tissue spasms.

Understanding the Fluid Dynamics of Craniosacral Therapy


All organisms seek to find balance individually and within their whole ecosystem. We can see this clearly demonstrated in nature when we look at a tree that continues to live and grow by adapting its growth pattern around dismemberment or the way the tree may grow in a spiral around another neighboring tree that stands very close by. We also see how an ecosystem will strive to find balance when there has been damage or destruction by man, it adapts by producing imbalance in order to come back into balance. Our bodies work the same way. The manifestation of imbalance, disease, illness, and effects of mental health are all demonstrations of how our body seeks to find balance. We all carry this self corrective force within our bodies which are generated by deeper organized movements in the physiology and function as a continuum.
The Fluid Dynamic understanding behind Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a particular approach into the study of the natural and creative forces that organize the human body. The forces that are found throughout the natural world are the same forces that we carry within your physiology. They include a subtle ordering principle that drives the creation, development and maintenance of all systems. Within the expression of these forces is a polyrhythmic movement that is stable and palpable, moving in cycles known as Primary Respiration. This movement is omnipresent in all living organisms and it moves in a natural expansion-contraction pattern that is very different than the respiratory breath and the heart beat. Interactions with the movements present in craniosacral understanding can have remarkable health benefits.
There are 2 basic forces at work in the living body: the Biodynamic Potencies generated by what Osteopaths call the Breath of Life and Biokinetic or Conditional Forces introduced into the system via trauma and life experiences (inertial fulcrums).
Biodynamic Potency is the universal force behind the Breath of Life and is the inherent authority that maintains order, integrity and homeostatic balance within the tissues of the body. It manifests at the moment of conception, organizes cellular differentiation, embryological development and is with us throughout life. Potency manifests as a bioelectric biomagnetic field phenomenon and it is a unified field of health around which fluids, cells and tissues organize. This is an intelligent life force that maintains the order and coherency of the cellular-tissue field and generates both fluid and tissue motility through the transmutation process which is carried out through Primary Respiration.
Primary Respiration is the most intrinsic motion with in our physiology. Its motion is present in cellular oscillation and is the fundamental quality of Fluid Dynamics. This sacred movement, moves in a fluctuation pattern of coming in and going back out like the Tides of the sea, all the while organizing the tissues to create balance between its original intention, its experience and that which is, in the present moment. In essence, Primary Respiration is the physical manifestation of the Biodynamic Potency behind the Breath of Life. It does this by organizing all bodily functions via muscular, visceral (organs), nervous system, bones, cardiovascular, etc all according to both our original essence and life experiences.
Within Primary Respiration there are different layers of organized movement. These movements are subtle and are experienced as the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse (CRI), Mid-tide, Long-tide, and Dynamic Stillness. The rhythms are the movements of our physiology and are present within us all, simultaneously. The state of the nervous system and how much Subtle Body awareness we have will indicate what layer we experience these rhythms.
Not only is Primary Respiration the organizer of tissues, operated by the Breath of Life, but it is also an aspect of a deep spiritual intelligence. Something emerges in Primary Respiration that is connected to source and is very much alive. It seeks to know itself and chooses to come into form, so the form can reflect its own original
intention. Behind the understanding of how this system works, is the body’s natural self correcting force which heals all injuries and traumas.
One of the most distinguishing features of the mechanics of Primary Respiration is its emphasis on the mid-line. Ventral mid-line pertains to the front or anterior of the spinal cord. It is the major axis of development within the embryo, as well as, the major organizing force behind the movement of Biodynamic Potencies within the adult. In utero, it expresses as an uprising force where the primitive streak and notochord form. It is the ordering axis for the generation of form in the embryo and its function continues in that same way into life as a natural orientation point for all the tissues of the body to be organized. This mid-line is where the Breath of Life can travel in a way that can organize. The mid-line is anatomically centered through the center of our bodies along the line of the front part of the spine, through the vertebral bodies. The action that the ventral mid-line is sometimes call “The Fountain Spray of Life” because the movement of the Breath of Life here can be palpated as moving upward from the coccyx, through the vertebral bodies, to the occiput, and “spraying out through the sphenoid”. In the same way it was formed, it continues to be a major organizing pathway for the Breath of Life to travel to bring balance and organization to our tissues.
It is possible to sense all these layers of Tidal Movement coming from the rise and fall of Primary Respiration by way it travels through fascia. Fascia is the tough connective tissue which covers everything and connects all the systems in the body. This makes the body like one big sweater that is interconnected throughout. When one part is affected the other parts will also be affected. The sates of fluidity in the body are directly mirrored in the fascia system which acts like a living matrix. It’s functional ability to shift and change, hold and support, and conduct, to fit the functional need of the body makes fascia a major contributor in the flow of information in the body.
The main objective of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is to find restrictions and/or compressions (inertial fulcrums) in the fascial system and cranial vault which are caused by injury or trauma AND could cause dysfunction/disease in the body (possibly effecting other systems then where the initial inertia manifested) if left untreated. The main objective of this work is to support and listen to the body in a way that honors the body’s natural ability to always be in a state of balance, even in the face of disease, illness and chronic pain. Our job as practitioners of this work is to support the health, listen to the body from a neutral non-judging way while supporting the stories and patterns that are there in the tissue to settle, soften and resolve just as its ready to do so on its own. We augment this by knowing the anatomy, Being in our Body with a wide open listening field, very present with the client in a safe Relational Field (one that is not diagnosing, giving advice or even stating what we hear in the system at all, but merely reflecting). The main objective of the therapist is to listen to this very intelligent system and to offer contact with floating, thinking feeling, knowing hands. In this way the tissues organized around restrictions and compressions have a chance to release, thus affecting the whole body/mind system.

BIRTH: Hospital vs. Home


Did you know that having your baby at home can be as safe as having your baby at the hospital, if not safer?

The British Medical Journal published a study in 2005 (click here to read), following 5,418 women who planned their births with Certified Professional Midwives. Their rate for c-sections was below 3.7 percent. The study found that …

“For women with low risk pregnancies in North America, giving birth at home bears similar risks of intrapartum and neonatal mortality as giving birth in hospital, but planned home births are associated with lower rates of medical interventions.”

Although the WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that C-sections should not go higher than 15%, more than a third of women in America have unnecessary interventions resulting in a c-section.   For more information on c-sections, the accompanying risks, and how they can be prevented, see International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) website.

Making Sense of the United States Birth Statistics


Most people inherently think that giving birth in a hospital is the safest option for childbirth. But did you know that United States hospitals are THE most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world? Every year more than 50,000 women are severely injured and about 700 women die in American hospitals due to childbirth complications. Many are either preventable or nosocomial (complications caused by the hospital environment). That equals 26.4 maternal deaths per 100,000 births reported in 2015. In 1990, about 17 maternal deaths were recorded for every 100,000 pregnancy. This indicated the numbers are rising every year and not improving. This information comes out out of the Global Burden of Disease 2015 Maternal Mortality study published in The Lancet medical journal, which looked at maternal mortality rates from 1990 – 2015.
What is even more surprising is that these numbers are increasing in the United States when other developed countries are decreasing their rates. And this is not even touching upon infant mortality rates. In 2017 the CDC reported 3,855,500 births 23,161 of those births resulted in a neonatal death which translates into 587.0 neonatal deaths per 100,000 births! The majority of these deaths are congenital abnormalities, preterm birth, and listed under unknown causes.
These numbers are astronomical. These numbers don’t speak to the countless of more minor injuries mothers and babies face in a hospital setting. Our national average for cesarean section is 32% when the World Health Organization’s research suggests the data for cesarean section rate world wide should rest somewhere around 10-15%. Infection rates run particularly high in hospital settings. According to the CDC an estimated 1 in 25 hospitalized patients in the United States will acquire a healthcare acquired infection (HAI).
Furthermore, what is even more shocking about these statistics is that if you are a woman of color you have a two to four times higher risk than a white women for maternal and infant mortality!
This is Not Just a Public Health Emergency – It Is A Human Rights Crisis.
Why is this happening? One of the reasons is that birth has become over medicalized in the United States. We have been misinformed about what are safe practices for labor and birth. While good quality prenatal care is key to a healthy birth, relaying solely on the medical model of care to guide you through the process of labor and birth may not always work in favor of a woman’s best interest. Obstetrical care often entails a process of intervention even with a woman’s most trusted caregivers.
Research shows that widespread adoption of midwife-directed care could alleviate, many if not, all these problems. News from the University of British Columbia research 2014-2015 ranking of US integration of midwifery care: Midwife-friendly laws and regulations tend to coincide with lower rates of premature births, cesarean deliveries and newborn deaths, according to a U.S.-wide “report card” that ranks each of the 50 states on the quality of their maternity care.
In many other developed countries, such as the U.K., France, Canada, and Australia, midwifery is at least as common as care by obstetricians. Thus, for women with low-risk pregnancies who wish to deliver vaginally, it often makes sense to employ a midwife rather than a more costly surgeon. Yet only about 8 percent of U.S. births are attended by midwives. Why has midwifery not been more successful? The problem stems from America’s fraught relationship with midwifery and home birth. Once a staple of American society, by the 20th century both midwives and home birth were portrayed by organized medicine and the media as outdated and potentially dangerous. America’s aversion to midwifery began in the late 1800s, when the advent of germ theory and anesthesia reduced much of the danger and discomfort associated with childbirth. Why would anyone endure the pain of childbirth at home with a midwife when they could have a painless experience in the sterile environment of a hospital under the care of a trained obstetrician? The benefits of these technologies brought doctors to the forefront of maternity care and pushed midwives aside. Obstetricians helped to bar midwives from practicing in hospitals, which were now considered the safest birth settings. By the early 1960s midwifery was virtually obsolete. This assumption that midwives are a relic of the past rather than part of an integrated health-care system of the future has had a profound effect on 21st-century attitudes toward birth, as well as on the health of millions of women and new babies each year.
If you are a healthy woman having a healthy pregnancy and are low risk for things like high blood pressure or obesity, my wish for you is to consider an out-of-hospital birth. Having been a birth attendant for the past 10 years both in and out of hospital my best advise to you is to avoid the hospital unless you have a medical reason for going there to give birth. The midwifery model-of-care is much more compassionate and often along the lines of care a woman most desires during their pregnancy anyways. The standard prenatal testing offered is the same as what an obstetrician can offer. A midwife who specializes in out-of-hospital birth will screen you and your baby throughout pregnancy and constantly access if you are a good candidate for a home or birthing center birth. This is not to say that there is not a time and a place to seek out a hospital birth or the medical model of care as defined in the U.S. *High risk pregnancies and certain conditions are not good candidates for out-of-hospital birth; and, thus the need for medical management of your birth becomes more necessary.

Floating Babies


Water is a natural element that babies can relate too. Their bodies are literally born out of water, with the addition of having spent 10 months in a amniotic sac suspended in amniotic fluid. 

Babies record everything they experience in their nervous system, muscles and digestive system. Unless they are provided with enough ‘pause’ they can become increasingly unsettled. The physical discomfort during the ‘Fourth Trimester’ comes from the experience of their birth and the experience of the first few days/weeks directly after being born. Birth is a compressive experience, for babies, coupled with the chaos and weight of the outside world. They can have physical pain that lingers from their birth which adds to difficulty in breastfeeding, settling and, digesting with comfort and ease. Babies can experience fearful sensation when put in new settings or introduction to new people or environments. The over stimulation babies experience during birth and in the first 3-4 months of life is tremendous, and also a normal process of arriving earth side. Its very common for babies to have digestive issues and be generally unsettled in the first 3-4 months after birth. Some babies are more unsettled than others. The only way babies can experience the world is viscerally, or thru the direct experience of what they feel in their body. Babies need lots of support to help them integrate the experience of birth and the experience arriving into this very different world, from the environment of which they came.

An infant float session offers them just the amount of support they need the most. By helping them to settle, to feel safe, with a greater sense of physical ease, they can better sort out the whole chaos of being born and whatever their experience of the outside world. Which leads them to rest better, digest better, sleep more deeply, feel good in their body and learn the valuable self-soothing skills that are so essential for babies to learn how to regulate their nervous system.

Floating a newborn provide an opportunity for newborns to experience the familiar suspension  in fluid with in a supportive state of expansion. Stillness is gradually obtained. The therapist provides safety by first supporting their body in a contracted state by holding them close, limbs folded tightly towards their body as they experience the sensation of the warm water and orient to quiet space of the tub. After some time the baby will begin moving and stretching out into the water.  Over time they completely uncurl their body, stretch out and begin to let go of their muscles entering into a restful state of ‘Being’. The therapist then facilitates deeper and deeper stillness. To experience a state of restful physical expansion in the physical body is to rest fully in a state of stillness. As the baby rests, the therapist facilitates gentle support to the cranium and sacrum. The baby will suspend in this deep stillness for quite some time, often discharging by occasionally shaking off whatever is driving the sympathetic nervous system. After the baby emerges out of their restful like sleep the therapist moves the baby to a warm massage table and proceeds to massage coconut oil into any muscles that are still holding on to, allowing them to re-settle into the earthly surrounding outside of the tub while facilitating adjustment to the cranium. Studies show that infant water therapy improves growth, helps with their motor skills, and facilities a sense of ease. Craniosacral therapy and infant massage helps newborns to gain body awareness while re-setting the nervous system in a way that teach babies how to self sooth later on. 

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Breastfeeding and the Doula


All babies have an innate instinct towards breastfeeding. Babies are naturally born knowing the way to the breast. What gets lost in the ability to successfully breastfeed is often the lack of support for mothers.

Babies know how to signal to the mother when they are hungry and when they are full. They know how to regulate the breast milk and make adjustments so that they get their individual nutritional needs met. Feeding in shorted periods can make more liquid / more water and longer feedings make for thicker nutrient milk.

Breastfeeding is best for the neuro-biology and brain development of the baby. Baby lead latching is a form of self attachment for the babies and is a part of the bounding process between mothers and babies that ensures safe secure attachment. The World Health Organization (WHO) has done research that says a lot of babies born in hospitals die if they do not get that first initial feeding of colostrum which has many anti-bodies that protect the baby.

The best way a doula can support mothers around breastfeeding is to help build their confidence and trust in her and her baby’s innate instinctual wisdom around breastfeeding. Hospital protocols sometimes conflict with the time and space a mother needs for her and her baby to figure out breastfeeding, along with many different angles of advice from the medical staff in the first days during a postpartum hospital stay. Hospitals are busy places and typically offer many disruptions particularly for babies having trouble breastfeeding.

The most important member in breastfeeding team is the baby. Babies need access to the breast. Skin-to- skin contact on the chest help, mother’s learn her baby’s ques. Crying is an indicator that a queue has been missed. Follow the natural instinct of babies: access to the breast, skin-to-skin, no clothing (clothing is confusing to babies), no artificial nipples and, patience it can take anywhere between 20 minutes to 90 minutes to attach particularly for the first time. If a baby is taking longer to attach that is fine, and a doula can point out all the positive steps along the way. The natural ways for babies to find the breast and latch on is to look to the mothers face, figure out, and then adjust to orient towards the breast. When babies pull away from the breast it is to look at the mother’s face and see where the nipple is, not to necessarily protest.

There are 4 major ways babies orient to the breast for feeding.

 Sight – the darker color of the nipple makes it clear for the newborn, where to go to breastfeed

Touch- feeling the skin, massaging the breast.

Smell – the embryonic fluid on the baby’s hands is a similar smell as the smell of the mother’s nipple

Taste – use their tongue and a sense of taste to find the taste of milk which they are hard wired to like.  

A good latch is important for effective feedings. No lips means latched really well. You shouldn’t be able to see the baby’s lips. Laying back can be helpful for babies to figure out the latch. Laying down can also encourage a deeper latch. Babies also seem to like being in an angle to that they can push their feet on to something like the belly. For painful nursing, try to move the baby and see if you can move the baby deeper without unlatching. Continuous pulling the baby off a latch to try again can be more damaging as the baby may become frustrated. Instead, move the baby’s shoulders and hips in closer. Help the baby tip his head back further to bring the chin in closer. The chin should be buried in the breast.

In the early days after birth nipple shields are more likely to cause problems. What babies need is access to the breast, constant skin to skin and lots of space to move to and from the breast on its own time.

The continued process of producing milk let down is based on what happens the first few days after birth, in how often the baby is nursing and how effectively the baby is nursing. Frequency of feeding is more important than length of feeding in terms of increasing milk production. Getting lots of feedings in the early days determine the success of breast milk production. Breast size is what determines the frequency of baby needing to feed (this is why feeding on baby’s queues is more important than scheduled feedings).

Milk is made most quickly when the breast is empty. When the breasts begin to fill up, the breast is actually beginning to make less milk. So waiting to feed when the breasts feel full is really a recipe for diminished milk supply. Frequently feedings build the receptors for prolastin which is what triggers the milk supply. 12 feedings a day is better than 8 feedings a day, in the early days after the baby is born.

Studies show that co-sleeping  and sleeping in a side cart next to be bed has better breastfeeding outcomes because babies in the days after birth tend to feed more often when they are in close proximity of mother, then is they are in a basinet across the room or in a nursery. 80% of babies co-sleeping or in a side car breastfeed successfully, while 40% of babies in bassinets or separate sleeping arrangements will breastfeed successfully. Supplementation is linked to early weaning. For a baby away from the mother for any amount of time, it is important for mothers to express milk or colostrum to prevent supplementation. Supplementation is also very hard on a baby’s digestive system.

What happens during birth affects breastfeeding in a huge way. Prolonged IV fluids during labor, increases the fluids in the breast and causes swelling in the feet and hands. Some of those IV fluids also go to the baby and they are born inflated with water weight which will be lost in the next day or so; but can make the medical staff want to push formula because the baby’s weight will go down a bit more than usual from birth.

Epidurals affect the baby’s ability to latch well. The longer the mother has the epidural during labor the longer the remnant of the medication will be in her system which can last for days and sometimes weeks and can greatly affect breastfeeding success. Doulas can encourage women to hold off as long as possible for an epidural which in turn can help with breastfeeding. Epidurals can also sometimes cause mothers to get a fever in the days after labor and that can often lead to separation between moms and babies as the medical staff try to protect against possible infection.  Narcotics can make the baby sleepier and harder to feed well. Episiotomy can make it harder to find a comfortable position. C-section babies are significantly less likely to breastfeed successfully.

Doulas help to make breastfeeding much more successful because they lessen the risk of all of those interventions. Just simply being there to support a mother through birth is giving her a better chance to start breastfeeding.

Weight loss is normal for babies after birth but people get concerned if it is more than 7-10%. Babies that lose weight within that range tend to wean earlier and the reason for this is because formula is often introduced. Within this scenario what mothers need is more support around breastfeeding, more frequent feedings, breast compression (hand expressing while the baby is at the breast by squeezing when the baby sucks). Breast compressing is also good for sleepy babies and difficulty latching. If a baby needs to be separated from mom it is always best to express some milk and colostrum to be feed to the baby to avoid formula.

Nipple damage is caused by bad latch and tough tie causes a large amount of this. When a woman has engorged breasts the baby can’t latch. It can helpful to use reverse pressure softening by taking a finger around the nipple, press back extra fluid, then latch baby on. Mothers should be discouraged from pumping in this situation because it encourages more let down and leads to more engorgement.

The role of a doula as a member of the breastfeeding team is to offer continuous emotional and physical support. Encourage the mother to ask questions and remind her of her options as they arise. The mere presence of a doula greatly reduces interventions which affect breastfeeding. A doula can encourage support for breastfeeding around the mother if she has to navigate the medical side of birth. And a doula can offer positive reflection about the instincts between mom and baby point the way.

Midwifery Model of Care vs Medical Model of Care: Surrounding Childbirth


One of the biggest differences between the medical model of care and the midwifery model of care is the individualization of care that the midwife provides. To truly individualize care means to strive for an in-depth understanding of a particular woman: her unique physical, emotional and mental circumstances with regard to her physical well-being and living environment as well as her hopes and fears about birth. While some medical practitioners take this to mean knowing a woman’s name and making sure she has time to have her questions answered, most midwives provide a much deeper understanding of this concept. The best prenatal care that encompasses not only the physical but also the mental, emotional and spiritual creates better birth outcomes. As a doula any birth I have attended where there were major complications for either mother of baby, there were unresolved traumas happening in the field around mother or something going on during the pregnancy where the mother did not receive some kind of support she needed or was able to vocalize a major issue as she grew her baby. One of the biggest disappointments for many people seeking Medical Care the United States is that there is no consideration between the mind and body. Many practitioners will admit there may be a connection, but that the subject needs more validation. Therefore do not attempt to provide support in a manner that is cohesive to anything above the physical assessments.  Midwifery focuses on a Holistic form of Prenatal Care that entails addressing trauma and stress patterns that could get in the way of the birthing process, fears and emotional support. As well as the physiological aspects of births that deal with medical measurements, tests and calculations related to birth.

Wouldn’t be wonderful to have a system based on quality of care that includes the physical dynamics of birth AND also the emotional, psychological, spiritual and living process of birth. A woman in labor is experiencing a life altering and transformative experience. Doulas are helping to bridge this gap in the medical model of care. However, if you feel like you are being missed in your prenatal visits with an OB and the honoring of spirit is very important to you perhaps you should consider a midwife.

It would be good for you to know that on January 30, 2014 one of the biggest research results was released in the US by the Midwifery Alliance of North America (MANA): comparing planned homebirths to hospital births for low risk women. This research proved there is no different in the risk to injury for moms and babies weather they are planning a home birth or going to the hospital to have their baby. Homebirth is a safe choice especially when you are in good health through your pregnancy.

Bringing the Midwifery Model of Care into the Medical Prenatal Experience


The application of the Midwifery Model of Care has been proven to reduce the incidence of birth injury, trauma, and cesarean section. May 1996 Midwifery Task Force

 Pregnancy and birth are normal life processes.

Quality of prenatal care has a vast affect on birth outcomes. The best prenatal care includes one that addressed both the physical and emotional wellbeing of the mother. The traditional Medical Model of Care has an attitude that birth is an event that needs to be controlled, monitored and managed within a certain amount of parameters. Often centered on pain medications, continuous monitoring and interventions; there is an incredible level of fear around birth in North America which has lead to the over medicalization of birth. New study reports that the US is one of only eight countries where maternal deaths are rising, placing the US at #60 behind 59 countries with better maternal health outcomes. Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013


This fact Prenatal Care that is more than just diet and lifestyle is very important to the birth outcomes and the future health of the child. This consideration is an essential ingredient that all too often lacking within the Medical Model of Care. The Midwifery Model of Care provides the kind of care that incorporates physical, psychological and spiritual support. Prenatal care with midwives and doulas can provide a safe haven, a sub-culture in which women can reclaim trust in themselves and the birthing process.


Working with a Midwife or Doula can enhance bonding and attachment through birth and within the family dynamic which essential to brain health in mothers and babies. They can help women prepare for birth; exploring with her ways that she can best work through any issues from her past or present that may impede the full use of her resources, both physical and emotional during the challenging work of labor and help prepare her for the mothering experience that lies ahead. Their job is to guide, mentor her health and well being in a holistic (mind, body, spirit) while offering expertise and experience in a way that the medical model shy’s away from.

Part of my work as a Doula and Student Midwife is to empowering women to realize that she is the only real care provider for her unborn baby. I blend from all my areas of expertise in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Therapy as well as Pre and Perinatal Psychology. 

Craniosacral Therapy and Prenatal Care


Craniosacral Therapy is a type of Manual Therapy that Calms/Balances the Nervous System of both, mother and child, encouraging emotional bonding which can otherwise be short-circuited due to pre-natal and birth trauma/stress. When Mom’s system is soothed and balanced during pregnancy, baby gains huge benefits. The mother also benefits.  Quality of prenatal care has a vast affect on birth outcomes. The best prenatal care includes one that addressed both the physical and emotional wellbeing of the mother. Craniosacral throughout pregnancy can help a mother be in process with her baby (and her life!) while creating an opportunity to let go of any physical condition she may be holding on to in her body.

Craniosacral Therapy is a whole body therapy that uses a light touch to listen to subtle rhythms and patterns within fascial system of the body. Unresolved tensions from physical and emotional stress can affect and restrict the natural healthy motion and function of the Muscular Skeletal System AND the Central Nervous System within the body, leading to stress symptoms, discomfort and pain. Craniosacral Therapy enables the body to realign to its natural health and healing place by restoring motion and vitality.

 The Basic Principles of Craniosacral Therapy:

There are 2 basic forces at work in the living body: the Biodynamic Potencies generated by the Breath of Life and Biokinetic or Conditional Forces introduced into the system via trauma and life experiences (inertial fulcrums).

Nervous system function is driving the conditional forces (and vice versa) which can restrict the potent expression of the Inherent Health.

      The craniosacral system (CSS) consists of the brain, spinal cord and the three membranes that completely surround it, the cerebral spinal fluid, and the fascial connections to all systems of the body through fluid dynamics and nervous system balance.

      The practitioner uses gentle soft tissue release by ‘listening’ to the craniosacral rhythms to release tension in the fascia and fluid system throughout the whole body. The craniosacral therapist assesses the body for restrictions and uses a very light touch to encourage expansion, mobility and healing. 

      Unique from other systems of the body, the CSS actually slows down and enters into stillpoints. These rests are a therapeutic time of revitalization for the CSS—similar to rebooting a computer. After facilitating a craniosacral stillpoint, the individual’s CSS functions more strongly and is better coordinated; the body is using its own innate ability to heal. This balances the nervous system and greatly benefits the health of the baby.

Regular Craniosacral Therapy Sessions During Pregnancy Can Help:

      Maintain Health, Well-Being and Immunity.


      Musculoskeletal Dysfunction

      Chronic Stress and Anxiety

      Migraine Headaches

      Neck and Back Pain

      Hormonal Balance

      Supports Brain Health and Nervous System Regulation for both Moms and Babies.

Birth Psychology

The unborn and infant child experiences what the mother experiences, what the family experiences, and builds their body to suit the environment surrounding the outside field of which it grows – this provides the template for physical and mental health decades later. = Epigenetics – precursor to if and when certain genes will be turned on later on in life.

Cortisol - effects of high stress

Prenatal Care that is more than just diet and lifestyle is very important to birth outcomes and the future health of the child. This consideration is an essential ingredient that all too often lacking within the Medical Model of Care. The Midwifery Model of Care provides the kind of care that incorporates physical, psychological and spiritual support.

Bodywork will not be able to replace this kind of holistic care; however, it can greatly enhance a woman’s self care regimen in pregnancy which directly affects the overall Health of mother and child.  

Attitudes About Midwifery

Many people have heard horror stories about the danger of birth. They have been told about the increased safety of birth with the increase of medical knowledge. Many people therefore believe that birth is horrible and dangerous without modern technolog...

Visceral Abdominal Massage in Charlottesville, Va

Did you know….. Dominique is one of the Only Therapist in our area that has extensive training and experience in Abdominal and Visceral Manipulation Therapy? She has taught many therapist her techniques over the years through her course: Exploring the Abdomen and Organ System: Balancing Visceral Dynamics a 20 hr NCBTMB approved CE course for massage therapist. Many therapist and ... Read more
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